Evidence for Shears Bands in108Cd

High-spin states were populated in 108Cd using the 96Zr(16O,4n) reaction at a beam energy of 72 MeV. Two magnetic dipole bands have been observed, both of which contain weak E2 crossover transitions. Lifetimes for the stronger of the two bands were measured via the Doppler shift attenuation method. The configuration assignment for this band has been determined from comparison with tilted axis cranking model calculations to be π[g9/23g7/2]ν[h11/2(g7/2d5/2)1] and π[g9/23g7/2]ν[h11/23(g7/2d5/2)1], before and after the νh11/22 band crossing, respectively. The deduced B(M1) strengths decrease rapidly with increasing spin after the νh11/22 alignment, which is a characteristic behavior of a shears band.

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