Platelet monoamine oxidase activity and life stress as predictors of psychopathology and coping in a community sample

Synopsis The present study, using a diathesis-stress model, attempted to confirm prior findings with platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity and stress in a middle-aged, non-clinic population. One hundred and seventy-eight adult males from a statewide community club were tested for platelet MAO activity and stressful life events and were also given a variety of psychological measures of both psychopathology and psychosocial coping. The data were examined both for correlations across the total sample and for a comparison of high-risk groups (top and bottom 15% of MAO activity) with a middle MAO group. Low platelet MAO activity was related to a higher incidence of contact with mental health professionals, and more frequent use of alcohol and cigarette smoking. High MAO activity was related to higher levels of anxiety and somatization. High levels of stress were related to increased psychosocial problems reported for female and family members, higher scores on two schizophrenia-related MMPI scales (schizophrenia and paranoia subscales), but fewer idiosyncratic associations, elevated hypomanic, depression, and anxiety scores, increased alcohol use, and increased use of prescribed antianxiety and sedative medication. Neither MAO nor stress were related to current levels of psychosocial coping. Moreover, no interaction effects were uncovered for MAO activity and stress combined.