Observations on the population dynamics of five cyathostome nematode species of horses in northern USA

Summary: Monthly variations in the magnitude of adult and larval cyathostome burdens were observed in 55 horses necropsied over a 15‐month period in the northern USA. Peak numbers of adult cyathostomes occurred in late winter (March) and late summer (September). Larval cyathostomes demonstrated peak numbers from February to April and again in October, beginning one month earlier than the spring adult peak and one month after the autumn adult peak, respectively. The reproductive status of individual female Cyathostomum catinatum, Cyath coronatum, Cylicocyclus nassatus, Cylicostephanus goldi and Cylicostephanus longibursatus was classified as immature, gravid or spent. Seasonal changes in these classifications were monitored as a marker for the age structure of these populations. Each reproductive category of female small strongyle was dominant during only one period per year and these periods were similarly distributed for all five species examined. Immature cyathostomes were most common from late winter to spring (March to May); gravid worms were predominant beginning in spring (April/May) and continuing into autumn (October to December). Spent females prevailed from autumn through winter (October to March/April).