Enumeration and Characterization of Bovine Blood, Spleen and Lymph Node Cells Containing Immunoglobulins

In this study, the average percentage of bovine spleen and lymph node cells with surface immunoglobulin (S-Ig) was found to be 19.62 and 23.18%, respectively. The average percentage of these cells with cytoplasmic immunoglobulin (C-Ig) was 14.46 and 17.21%. Only the percentage of cells with S-Ig showed a strong correlation between the spleen and the lymph node. Also, several methods of removing S-Ig from bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells were investigated. It was found that the loss of passively bound S-Ig by warm washing was minimal, and that the anti-Ig-treated mononuclear blood cells would lose their caps after 24 h of incubation at 37 °C, but not after 45 min of incubation, although 95% of the cells with S-Ig were capped within 15 min.