Editorial review: Microvascular lesions of the true vocal folds

In distinction from vocal fold polyps with telangiectatic vessels, microvascular lesions, also called varices or capillary ectasias, are relatively small lesions arising from the microcirculation of the vocal fold. The incidence of microvascular lesions of the true vocal folds is unknown. Varices or capillary ectasias are most commonly seen in female professional vocalists. Capillary dilation may be secondary to repeated trauma, repeated inflammation, or hormonal variations. Microvascular lesions may be either asymptomatic or the cause of frank dysphonia by interrupting the normal vibratory pattern of the true vocal folds. Laryngovideostroboscopy is the key in determining the functional significance of a microvascular lesion. Management of patients with a varix includes medical therapy, vocal intervention, and surgical vaporization or excision. If surgery is indicated, then current phonomicrosurgical principles must be utilized.

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