Scleroderma is a disease of unknown cause and many synonyms that varies from a mild localized form to a severe generalized type with systemic manifestations. According to the "Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations,"1it is classified into generalized, progressive, and localized (morphea) types. One of us (O'Leary)2classified scleroderma as follows: (1) localized scleroderma (morphea), which includes the guttate type; (2) linear scleroderma; (3) generalized morphea; (4) acrosclerosis; (5) generalized, or systemic, scleroderma, and (6) hemiatrophy. Present Study We have limited the present survey to patients who had the localized forms of the disease (the first three types just given) and who were seen at the Mayo Clinic during the period 1923 to 1954, inclusive. We have reviewed the records of 235 patients and have obtained progress reports in 107 of these in order to establish data relative to the duration