External balance of water and electrolytes in the horse

The components of the daily external water and electrolyte balances of five normal Standardbred geldings with a mean body weight of 427 kg, were determined over 14 day periods. The mean value of daily total water intake (a summation of free, combined and metabolic water intake) for the group was 27.6 litres, that is 64.4 ml/kg body weight, while mean values for ambient temperature and humidity ranged from 16 to 25.degree.C and 55.4 to 75.5 per cent, respectively. The mean daily urine volume of 9.9 litres (23.2 ml/kg) for the group, was found to exceed the mean faecal water output of 7.2 litres (16.9 ml/kg). The mean output of sodium for the five animals, in urine and faeces, was 780 mmol or 79 per cent of the intake. The mean output of potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium were 3163, 2521, 1824 and 1448 mmol or 95, 84, 74 and 75 per cent, respectively of intake. The sodium and potassium not accounted for in urine and faeces may well have been lost in sweat. Results are discussed and compared with those of a previous external balance study in the horse.