Publications appearing from time to time since Verattus1first described a dermoid variety of tumor in 1745 have told so well the story of neoplasms of this type that it has become familiar to those interested in the subject. Because of confusion in nomenclature and controversies regarding pathology, it seems essential to reconsider some of the earlier works in this field. We trust that it may crystallize concepts concerning these unusual neoplasms. Most articles dealing with the history of dermoids and epidermoids have referred to the excellent review by Bostroem2in 1897. According to Mahoney3the first communication regarding an epidermoid came from Pinson,4an artist in the School of Medicine of Paris, in the year 1807. He prepared a wax model of such a tumor located in the region of the cerebellum and fourth ventricle and described its grayish white interior and silvery white capsule.