A newly developed test paper that can be applied to the cervical mucus has made it possible to detect an increase in glucose concentration that accompanies ovulation. The use of the cervical tampon here described facilitates the test. It can be carried out at home by the fertile or infertile wife either to achieve pregnancy or to postpone the next pregnancy when medically necessary. The time relations of the appearance of glucose in the cervical mucus to the appearance of the "square root sign" in the patient's basal morning temperature chart have been determined. In addition, two cases are described in which it was possible, by direct observation, to locate corpora hemorrhagica on the ovaries. The disadvantage of relying on temperature charts is that several days of maximal fertility have already elapsed before the trend of the curve can be recognized with confidence, while the chemical test has the advantage of giving positive information at the time it is most needed. The maximal glucose color response is simultaneous with the appearance of the corpus hemorrhagicum on the ovary and clearly indicates the proper timing of coitus.

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