Coincidence Measurements of Large-AngleAr+-on-Ar Collisions

Large-angle single collisions of keV-energy Ar+ ions with Ar atoms are studied wherein both particles scattered from the same encounter are detected in coincidence. The scattered incident particle appears m-times ionized at angle θ and the recoiling target particle appears n-times ionized at angle φ. Values of m and n range from zero to eight. It is found that m and n are independent and uncorrelated, i.e., the distribution among charge states m is the same regardless of the charge state n seen in coincidence. An exception to this rule is seen in one region where the inelastic energy has multiple values. Relative probabilities for the (m, n) reaction are given for many data sets, with incident energies T0 from 3 to 400 keV and for angles θ between 8° and 40°. The inelastic energy Q¯mn associated with the (m, n) reaction is also measured for a number of values of m and n in each data set. It is found that a particular reaction does not have a fixed characteristic energy. Thus, for example, Q¯55 increases from 877 to 1473 eV depending on the violence of the collision. Average values of inelastic energy loss Q¯ are plotted versus incident energy at various scattering angles, versus the average number of electrons lost in the collision, and versus the distance of closest approach. Values of Q¯ range from 26 eV at T0=3 keV, θ=8°, to 2430 eV at T0=300 keV, θ=40°. The effects of thermal motion of the target atom, of finite instrumental resolution, and of a possible distribution in values of inelastic energy all combine to give "linewidth" effects. These are measured and discussed.