Adaptation in a revised inner-hair cell model

A revised computational model of the inner-hair cell (IHC) and auditory-nerve (AN) complex was recently presented [Sumner et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111, 2178–2188 (2002)]. One key improvement is that the model reproduces the rate-intensity functions of low- (LSR), medium- (MSR), and high-spontaneous rate (HSR) fibers in the guinea-pig. Here we describe the adaptation characteristics of the model, and how they vary with model fiber type. Adaptation of the revised model for a HSR fiber is in line with an earlier version of the model [Meddis and Hewitt, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 90, 904–917 (1991)]. In guinea-pig, poststimulus time histograms (PSTH) have been found to show less adaptation in LSR fibers. Evidence from chinchilla suggests that this is due to chronic adaptation resulting from short interstimulus intervals, and that fully recovered LSR fibers actually show more adaptation. However, the model is able to account for both variations of PSTH shape when fully recovered from adaptation. Interstimulus interval can also affect recovery in the model. The model is further tested against data previously used to evaluate models of AN adaptation. The tests are (i) recovery from adaptation of spontaneous rate and (ii) the recovery of response to acoustic stimuli (“forward masking”), (iii) the response to stimulus increments and (iv) decrements, and (v) the conservation of transient components. A HSR model fiber performs similarly to the earlier version of the model. However, there is considerable variation in response to increments and decrements between different model fibers.