A collaborative study was conducted, using the microslide gel double diffusion test for enterotoxin detection by determining the staphylococcal enterotoxigenicity of 7 strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Two strains produced staphylococcal enteroloxin A (SEA), 2 strains produced staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), one strain produced both SEA and SEB, and 2 strains produced neither SEA nor SEB. To ascertain the effectiveness of this method for the detection of enterotoxins, strains of enterotoxigenic staphylococci which produced small or relatively large amounts of toxin were used in the study. The cultures were grown on semisolid brain-heart infusion agar and the culture fluids were assayed serologically for SEA and SEB. The qualitative results of this study by 16 collaborators indicated that this technique, in general, demonstrated a high degree of specificity as well as simplicity and reproducibility in the identification of the enterotoxins. Of the 16 participating laboratories, 14 reported the correct diagnoses for the 7 staphylococcal strains studied and 2 laboratories determined 6 of the 7 strains correctly. Based on these results, this method has been adopted as official first action.