A New Emericellopsis from Wisconsin, With Notes on Other Species

SUMMARY A new antibiotic-producing species of Emericellopsis, E. microspora Backus and Orpurt, is described. This taxon, which belongs to the small-spored section of the genus, appears to be most closely related to E. minima Stolk. The new entity occurs in considerable abundance in the soil of wet prairies in Wisconsin but has not been encountered in any other type of habitat during a 10-year survey of the mycoflora of undisturbed soils of this state. Emericellopsis terricola var. glabra van Beyma is raised to species rank as E. glabra (van Beyma) Backus and Orpurt. The substantial differences in morphology and physiology which separate this entity from E. terricola van Beyma are recorded. An Australian isolate of Emericellopsis which is a strong producer of cephalosporins has been referred to E. glabra. Observations on the effect of certain environal factors on growth and development in various species of Emericellopsis are reported.