Energy conservation in stressed rats exposed to an oxytocin-injected cage mate

In previous studies we found indications of stress reduction in saline-injected rats when exposed to an oxytocin (OT)-injected cage mate. Olfactory impairment and OT antagonist treatment abolished the effects. This suggested an olfactorily mediated oxytocinergic stress-inhibitory mechanism. To test this hypothesis bodyweight, tail skin temperatures, food-intake and plasma ACTH and corticosterone concentrations were analysed. Suppressed weight loss and decreased stress-hormone release was found in saline-injected rats exposed to an OT-injected cage mate, but not in OT antagonist-injected rats, supporting the hypothesis. Our results suggest that OT in a stressed animal can inhibit the olfactory stress cues emitted, and that the olfactory cues from the stressed animal can influence an OT in pathway in the odour recipient animals to reduce stress effects.