Harvest indices were measured in 2 mature bearing orchards of ‘Mcintosh’ apple (Malus domestica, Borkh.) in 2 seasons. Full bloom dates differed between the 2 orchards by 4 days in one season and 7 days in the other. Heat-unit accumulation during the growing season differed between the 2 orchards by 27%. The onset of the accelerated rate of ethylene production (AREP) began 133 days past full bloom in both orchards. The first significant increase in skin anthocyanin occurred before the AREP in the higher elevation orchard and after the AREP in the lower elevation orchard. Changes in flesh firmness, soluble solids, acidity, and skin chlorophyll were not significantly different before and after the AREP. The optimum harvest dates, evaluated by poststorage analysis, were on the AREP in the higher elevation orchard and after the AREP in the lower elevation orchard.

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