Papillary projections at the lingual margin in the striped dolphin,Stenella coeruleoalba, with Special Reference to Their Development and Regression

Papillary projections along the anterolateral margin of the tongue were observed in fetal and young stages of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba. Papillary projections appear in the prenatal period and attain maximum development in the early postnatal period. They almost disappear by weaning. Vestigial eminences remain at the corresponding region, but they completely disappear in the adult. The papillary projections observed differ markedly from the lingual papillae of the general mammalian tongue as they are temporary, localized at the anterolateral margin and large in size. The projections were also present in young individuals of some other dolphins. No taste buds could be seen on the projections in any of the stages of all specimens observed. Such projections may have important mechanical functions during suckling in these mammals.

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