Thermodynamic Analysis of the Structural Stability of the Shiga Toxin B-Subunit

The conformational stability of Shiga toxin B-subunit (STxB), a pentameric protein from Shigella dysenteriae has been characterized by high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy under different solvent conditions. It is shown that the thermal folding/unfolding of STxB is a reversible process involving a highly cooperative transition between folded pentamer and unfolded monomers. The conformational stability of STxB is pH dependent and because of its pentameric nature is also concentration dependent. STxB is maximally stable in the pH range from 5 to 9 (ΔG upon unfolding is close to 13 kcal per mol of monomer at 25 °C), and its stability decreases both at lower and at higher pH values. The pH dependence of the Gibbs energy of stabilization between pH 2.5 and 5 is consistent with the change in the ionizable state of an average of four groups per monomer upon unfolding. Structural thermodynamic calculations show that the stabilization of the STxB pentamer is primarily due to the interactions established between monomers rather than intramonomer interactions. The folding of an isolated monomer into the conformation existing in the pentamer is unfavorable and expected to be characterized by a free-energy change upon folding in the order of 2.5 kcal mol-1 at 25 °C. On the average, intersubunit interaction induced upon oligomerization of folded monomers should contribute close to −13.4 kcal per mol of monomer to bring the overall Gibbs energy to the experimentally determined value at this temperature.