The Second [ITAL]EXTREME ULTRAVIOLET EXPLORER[/ITAL][ITAL]Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer[/ITAL] Right Angle Program Catalog

We present the detection of 235 extreme ultraviolet sources, of which 169 are new detections, using the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer's (EUVE) Right Angle Program (RAP) data. This catalog includes observations since the first EUVE RAP catalog (1994 January) and covers 17% of the sky. The EUVE RAP uses the all-sky survey telescopes (also known as "scanners"), mounted at right angles to the Deep Survey and spectrometer instruments, to obtain photometric data in four wavelength bands centered at ~100 Å (Lexan/B), ~200 Å (Al/Ti/C), ~400 Å (Ti/Sb/Al), and ~550 Å (Sn/SiO). This allows the RAP to accumulate data serendipitously during pointed spectroscopic observations. The long exposure times possible with RAP observations provide much greater sensitivity than the all-sky survey. We present EUVE source count rates and probable source identifications from the available catalogs and literature. The source distribution is similar to previous extreme ultraviolet (EUV) catalogs with 2% early-type stars, 45% late-type stars, 8% white dwarfs, 6% extragalactic, 24% with no firm classification, and 15% with no optical identification. We also present 36 detections of early-type stars that are probably the result of non-EUV radiation. We have detected stellar flares from approximately 12 sources, including: EUVE J0008+208, M4 star G32-6 (EUVE J0016+198), a new source EUVE J0202+105, EUVE J0213+368, RS CVn V711 Tau (EUVE J0336+005), BY Draconis type variable V837 Tau (EUVE J0336+259), the new K5 binary EUVE J0725-004, EUVE J1147+050, EUVE J1148-374, EUVE J1334-083 (EQ Vir), EUVE J1438-432 (WT 486/487), EUVE J1808+297, and the M5.5e star G208-45 (EUVE J1953+444). We present sample light curves for the brighter sources.

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