Pharyngoconjunctival Fever

This article is a report on an outbreak of pharyngoconjunctival fever due to APC Type III virus which occurred in a children's camp during the summer of 1955. The adenopharyngeal conjunctival or APC group of viruses was isolated in 1952 by Huebner, Rowe, Bell, and others.* They studied surgically removed tonsils and adnoids by tissue culture technique. Through repeated subculturing of these tissues, they were able to unmask a new group of viruses. Because of the characteristic tissue culture degenerating effects produced by these micro-organisms, they were originally named "adenoid-degenerating agents". This was later renamed "adenoidal-pharyngeal-conjunctival viruses" or "APC viruses." As a result of the work first done in the U. S., investigation has been undertaken along similar lines in other countries. Zaiman and co-workers,5in England, have also been able to isolate this new group of viruses from surgically removed tonsils and adenoids and have noted the presence

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