Hormonal control of somatic cell oocyte interactions during ovarian follicle development

In the mammalian ovarian follicle, paracrine signaling between the oocyte and somatic granulosa cells is bidirectional but the structural basis and physiological regulations of communication between gametic and somatic compartments remain unknown. The present experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) regulates the ability of granulosa cells to make connections with the oocyte. We show that in prepubertal unprimed mice and mice carrying a targeted deletion of the FSHβ subunit gene, granulosa cells exhibit orientation towards the oocyte manifest by the elaboration of transzonal projections (TZPs) and “apical” centrosome positioning at sites of granulosa‐zona contact. In vivo FSH treatment results in a retraction of TZPs. Coincident with TZP retraction induced by FSH are changes in oocyte transcriptional activity and meiotic competence, which suggests one means by which the oocyte‐granulosa cell dialogue may be modulated during development of ovarian follicles. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 69: 347–355, 2004.