A distinctive ash, named the Aokautere Ash, is a useful marker bed for correlating late Quaternary terraces and deposits in the Manawatu and adjoining districts. The ash occurs on terraces older than the Ohakea Terrace, in dune sands at Koputaroa, and on the gently rolling tops of the Tararua Range at an altitude of 900 to 1,300 ft. Its exact age is uncertain, but its covering of loess that probably came from the growing Ohakea Terrace (the youngest extensive aggradational terrace in the Manawatu district), its absence from the Ohakea Terrace itself, and its association with a peat that contains a cool-climate pollen flora, suggest that it was erupted during a late stage of the Last Glaciation. The ash has proved to have considerable indirect pedological importance by showing that the parent material of the terrace soils is loess and not alluvial or marine sediment.

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