Plane‐wave explosive systems were used to accelerate thin metal plates to high velocities. Shock pressures resulting from the collision of these driver plates with a stationary target plate are approximately three times greater than the original shock pressure in the driver plate. The photographic flash‐gap technique was used to record velocities associated with the shock waves. The new experimental data extend the Hugoniot loci into the one‐to two‐megabar region for 19 metallic elements:Ag,Au, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu,Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, V, W, Zn, Bi, Fe, Sb. The Hugoniot P, V, E data have been extended to a more complete P, V, E, Tequation of state by use of the Mie‐Grüneisen theory. The thermodynamic variable, γ=V(∂P/∂E) v , necessary for this extension, was obtained by solving the Dugdale‐MacDonald relation.