This report, the 8th of a series, is based on recorded absences due to disability lasting 1 calendar day or longer and ending during the 5 yrs., 1938-42. Three morbidity indexes, namely, the number of absences per 1,000 persons, the number of days per person, and the number of days per absence, are presented by sex and yr. according to broad cause group. Among [male][male] the frequency of absences due to sickness in 1942 is over 1,000 absences per 1,000, a rate almost 14% in excess of the mean rate for the 5 yrs. The 5-yr. mean for [female][female] is approx. twice the corresponding rate for [male][male], and each of the 3 disease groups, respiratory, digestive and nonrespiratory-nondigestive, for each yr. shows the [female]$ frequency rate to be in excess of the corresponding [male]. The av. annual number of days absent per [male] on account of sickness reached a max. of 8 in 1942 representing an excess of 11% over the mean rate for the 5 yrs. The days per [female] for 1942 and for the 5-yr. period, > 10. In general industrial injuries yield absences of longest duration. With reference to sickness, for each sex and year the nonrespiratory-nondigestive diseases present the longest absences.