Multiple deleted regions on the long arm of chromosome 6 in astrocytic tumours

Chromosome 6 deletions are common in human neoplasms including gliomas. In order to study the frequency and identify commonly deleted regions of chromosome 6 in astrocytomas, 159 tumours (106 glioblastomas, 39 anaplastic astrocytomas and 14 astrocytomas malignancy grade II) were analysed using 31 microsatellite markers that span the chromosome. Ninety-five per cent of cases with allelic losses had losses affecting 6q. Allelic losses were infrequent in astrocytomas malignancy grade II (14%) but more usual in anaplastic astrocytomas (38%) and glioblastomas (37%). Evidence for clonal heterogeneity in the astrocytomas and anaplastic astrocytomas was frequently observed (i.e. co-existence of subpopulations with and without chromosome 6 deletions). Clonal heterogeneity was less common in glioblastomas. Five commonly deleted regions were identified on 6q. These observations suggest that a number of tumour suppressor genes are located on 6q and that these genes may be involved in the progression of astrocytic tumours. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaign