A prospective trial of primary inguinal hernia repair by surgical trainees

The main hypotheses were that the Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repair has a lower recurrence rate and similar incidence of chronic groin pain compared to sutured repairs when performed by surgical trainees. In a U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital, 150 primary hernia repairs were randomized to a Lichtenstein, McVay, or Shouldice repair. The Shouldice repair included a routine relaxing incision. First- and second-year residents, under the supervision of an experienced general surgeon, performed the procedure. Long-term follow-up was obtained in 81% of patients. Hernia recurrence rate was Lichtenstein 8%, McVay 10%, Shouldice 5% (P>0.1) at 6–9 years follow-up. More patients had chronic groin pain following Lichtenstein repair (38%) than after Shouldice repair (7%) (P<0.05). More information is needed on long-term groin pain following anterior mesh repair. The Shouldice inguinal hernia repair may have a role in open primary herniorrhaphy to decrease the risk of chronic groin pain.