IN 1906 Jadassohn1presented before the Ninth German Dermatological Congress the first case of what was later to be known as lymphocytoma cutis. It was reported as a case of pseudoleukemic infiltration of the skin. In 1922, when discussing Biberstein's2case, Jadassohn commented that his original patient was still living, that the skin lesions were unchanged and that no signs or symptoms of leukemia had developed. His case was that of a young woman of 33 years of age, who presented on both cheeks symmetric semitransparent papules and nodules, varying in size from that of a lentil to that of a cherry. A clinical diagnosis of lupus tumidus was made, but the histological examination disproved the clinical impression. The section revealed an entirely lymphadenoid structure arranged in a fine reticulum. Occasional plasma and giant cells were noted. In 1921 Kaufmann-Wolf3reported two cases in children and coined