The Change of Model Potentials in Alloying

The different influences giving rise to a change of the screened form factors of model potentials in alloying are discussed. A special problem is the evaluation of the Fermi energy and the energy shift. The method for the calculation of these quantities proposed by Animalu and Heine for pure metals is not applicable to alloys. A new systematic perturbation treatment is developed to evaluate these quantities for pure metals, dilute and ordered alloys. The Shaw model potential is used. Numerical results are given for pure metals and dilute alloys. For the latter a change of the parameters of the bare model potential smaller than 3% is found giving only a small influence on the residual resistivity. This indicates that the assumption that the bare model potential of an ion is nearly independent of its surroundings is quite good. Approximations for the calculation of the change of the depletion hole are investigated also.