The pulse wave velocity (PWV) in the aortic iliac vessel was determined on about 2500 experimental subjects. Arterial mean pressure levels were between 90 and 165 mm Hg. "Pure" PWV age curves were obtained for the various mean pressure ranges, insofar as the pressure of the 25-year-old subjects did not deviate markedly from that of the 75-year-old subjects. It was found that with increasing mean pressure, there was an increasing slope in the PWV age curves, and that the curves were displaced to higher pulse wave velocity levels. The PWV age curve of hypertensives inclines towards the age abscissa as from the age of 55[long dash]an expression of mortality selection[long dash]while that of hypotonics inclines upwards, away from the age abscissa[long dash]the result of the nonpressure dependent aging of the elastic fibers. In general, the PWV of women is lower than that of men of the same age and blood pressure, at all pressure and age ranges. At all age groups investigated, there is a linear rise of PWV with pressure. We were unable to determine the effect of a collagen jacket, either in the PWV age curves, or from the course of the PWV pressure curves (up to a mean pressure measurement of 165 mm Hg).