Resonant charge exchange and the transport of ions at high electric-field to gas-density ratios (E/N) in argon, neon, and helium

Translational kinetic-energy distributions of singly and doubly charged ions have been measured at high electric-field to gas-density ratios (E/N) up to 5.0×1017 V m2 (50 kTd) in diffuse, parallel-plate Townsend discharges in Ar, Ne, and He using an ion energy analyzer-mass spectrometer. For Ar+ in Ar and Ne+ in Ne when E/N <2.0×1017 V m2 and for He+ in He when E/N<1.0×1017 V m2, the energy distributions are Maxwellian and consistent with predictions based on the assumption that resonant symmetric charge exchange is the dominant ion–neutral-species collision process. At higher E/N values, the kinetic-energy distributions for Ar+, Ne+, and He+ show departures from the Maxwellian form that are indicative of deviations from the charge-transfer model. The mean ion energies (effective ion temperatures) are consistent in the low E/N range with the available drift-velocity data, and in the case of Ar+ with recent results of Radovanov et al. [Phys. Rev. E 51, 6036 (1995)] from Townsend discharge experiments. The charge-exchange cross sections derived from Maxwellian fits to the energy distribution data for Ar+ + Ar, Ne+ + Ne, and He+ + He agree with available data. The relative contributions of the doubly charged ions Ar2+, Ne2+, and He2+ to the total ion flux were found to be small (less than 3%) and tend to decrease initially with increasing E/N. The mean energies of the doubly charged ions are higher than those for the corresponding singly charged ions, and the results suggest that double charge transfer could be the dominant process affecting the transport of Ar2+ and Ne2+ for E/N below about 1.5×1017 V m2. The observed He2+ kinetic-energy distributions are not consistent with a charge-transfer model.