Tendinopathies of the Elbow

Tendinopathy is a relatively new compound word made up of the noun portion, “tendon,” and the descriptive or adjective portion, “pathy.” Pathy is derived from the Greek word pathos meaning, literally, disease. Therefore, in musculoskeletal vernacular, tendinopathy signifies a tendon in a diseased or morbid (from Latin morbidus for sick) state or unhealthy condition. However, etiology, histology, magnitude, or sequelae of the inferred pathology are not inherent in the term. Prior to 1990 (1), tendon pathology was classically referred to as tendinitis. It is now understood that sport and sport-like, repetitive activities are capable of producing an inflammatory reaction in the paratenon, but, at the same time, a degenerative process is recognized in the functioning intact tendon. Such a degenerative picture, especially as a result of overload, was labelled tendinosis (2), which, like tendinopathy, denotes an unhealthy condition although an inflammatory state unless the tendon is ruptured. The terms tendinosis and tendinopathy could, conceivably, be interchanged. This article deals with the clinical picture, anatomy, and pathology of certain common tendinous maladies that present about the elbow

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