Study ofbcouplings in the standard weak doublet model and in models without atquark

In the context of five-quark models without a t quark, both left-handed b-singlet and right-handed b-doublet options are of interest. We explore the implications of these models, contrasting their predictions with those of the standard six-quark model. In B-meson decays, the singlet model predicts neutral-current modes at a significant level, whereas the (c,b)R model more closely resembles the standard model. The soft and hard components of the single-lepton energy spectrum can both be used to discriminate between the three classes of models. In neutrino interactions the most promising mechanism is b production from c quarks, which we study in the gluon-fusion and intrinsic-charm models. The b cross section is much larger for the (c,b)R model. Rates for multilepton final states that might be realized from decays of b and its associated charm spectator are discussed.