Clinical Spectrum and Diagnostic Criteria of Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Further Delineation on the Basis of SMN Gene Deletion Findings

With the evidence of deletions in the region responsible for autosomal recessive spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) on chromosome 5, it is now possible to further clarify the clinical and diagnostic findings in proximal SMA. Homozygous deletions of the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene can be detected in about 95 % of patients with early onset SMA. In a series of more than 200 patients, we tested 31 patients with atypical features of SMA who fulfilled at least one exclusion criterion according to the diagnostic criteria of the International SMA Consortium for the presence of SMN gene deletions. The patients were subdivided into two groups: 1. Seven index patients being not deleted for the SMN gene who belonged to a well-defined SMA plus variant that has already been shown to be unlinked with chromosome 5q markers: diaphragmatic SMA, SMA plus olivopontocerebellar hypoplasia, SMA with congenital arthrogryposis and bone fractures. 2. Twenty-four patients with clinical signs of SMA and neurogenic findings in EMG/muscle biopsy who had unusual features or other organ involvement. In order to structure this heterogeneous group, each patient was assigned to a subgroup according to the leading atypical feature. In 5 out of 8 unrelated patients with a history of preterm birth and/or perinatal asphyxia leading to a picture of severe SMA in combination with respiratory distress and/or cerebral palsy, no deletion of the SMN gene could be detected. There were five unrelated patients with extended central nervous system involvement (cerebral atrophy, EEG abnormalities, pyramidal tract signs, evidence of cerebellar involvement). Most of these patients (4/5) proved to belong to SMA 5q on the basis of SMN gene deletion findings. The same applied to a group of three patients with classical SMA in association with congenital malformations (mainly heart defect). A fourth group of three patients was characterized mainly by an unusual improvement of the condition; in these patients no SMN gene deletions were present. In three index patients a more complex syndrome of the CNS and other organs was suggested, but the detection of SMN gene deletions in two of them made a coincidence of features more likely In addition, SMN gene deletions were found in two patients with evidence of congenital fibre type dysproportion in one and extremely raised CK activity (> 10fold) in the other. While the confirmation of SMN gene deletions is very useful in cases with diagnostic doubts, caution is required when offering prenatal prediction with regard to SMA 5q in families with atypical features. There is strong evidence that there are clinical entities resembling SMA which most likely have another pathogenetic background.