Early entry of plasma proteins into damaged neurons in brain infarcts

Entry of plasma proteins into damaged neurons has previously been demonstrated in various pathological conditions, but little is known about brain infarcts in this respect. In the present study, focal ischemic lesions were produced in rats by permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The animals were killed from 1 to 48 h postlesion. Leakage of plasma proteins across the blood-brain barrier into the infarcted area was visualized with immunostaining 2-3 h after the occlusion. This is earlier than in most previous reports. Entry of plasma proteins into ischemic neurons was seen 3 h after permanent occlusion of the MCA, while reliable changes were not seen until 12-24 h in sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E). Ischemic neurons stained for plasma proteins irrespective of their morphological appearance. Even cells that appeared normal with H & E staining were positively labeled. The technique may be used to diagnose very early ischemic lesions.