Dynamic Compact Tension Testing for Fracture Toughness

Within this paper it is demonstrated that dynamic fracture toughness evaluation may be made by adherence to the ASTM Test for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials (E 399-72) procedure with the single exception of test speed. The test procedure, specimen, fixturing, and instrumentation are otherwise identical to ASTM E 399-72. This makes possible direct comparisons of static, KIc values with the results of these dynamic tests. The additional equipment required for these tests, over the normal servocontrolled hydraulic test machine typically used for KIc testing, is only the provision of a high flow and high response servo-valve with hydraulic accumulators and the capability of dynamic data storage (digital) for convenient playback into the usual X-Y recording unit. Employing the test technique developed, dynamic fracture toughness evaluation was demonstrated on two steel alloys (302 B and A516-70) tested at room and -50° F temperatures.