Continuous measurements of cytoplasmic pH (pHc) in Sinapis root hairs have been carried out with double-barrelled pH-micro-electrodes in order to gain information on translocation of protons across the plasmalemma and cytoplasmic pH control. (i) The cytoplasmic pH of Sinapis (7–33 ± 0–12, standard conditions) changes no more than 0.1 pHc, per pHo-unit, regardless of whether cyanide is present or not. (ii) Weak acids rapidly acidify pHc and hyperpolarize, while weak bases alkalize pHc and depolarize the cells, (iii) 1.0 mol M,3 NaCN acidifies the cytoplasm by 0.4 to 0.7 pH-units, but alkalizes the vacuole. (iv) 20 mmol m−3 CCCP has no significant effect on pHc, if added at pH 9.6 or 7.2, but acidifies pHc by 1.3 units at pH 4.3. In the presence of CCCP, cyanide acidifies the cytoplasm, (v) Chloride transiently acidifies pHc, while K+, Na+, and NO3- have no significant effects, (vi) Cytoplasmic buffer capacity forms a bell-shaped curve versus pHc with an optimum of about 50 mol m−3 H+pHc-unit. The modes of proton re-entry and the effects of active and passive proton transport on cellular pH control are critically discussed. It is suggested that the proton leak, consisting of H+-cotransport (e.g. H+/Cl) rather than H+-uniport, is no threat to pHc. The proton export pump, although itself reacting to changes in pHc, influences pHc only to a minor extent. It is concluded that buffer capacity and membrane transport play moderate roles in pHc control in Sinapis, while the interlocked H+-producing and -consuming reactions of cellular metabolism are the main regulating factors. This makes pH control in Sinapis quite different from bacterial and animal cells.