Effects of Various Levels of Sulfur upon Cellulose Digestion in Purified Diets and Lignocellulose Digestion in Corn Fodder Pellets In Vitro

The effects of varied levels of S upon the in vitro digestibility of cellulose in purified diets and lignocellulose in corn fodder pellets have been investigated. It has been observed that the level of total S, as a percentage of ration DM, has a beneficial effect upon the digestibility of cellulose and lignocellulose and that the optimum level of S in the ration DM should lie between 0.14 and 0.17%. Many of the feedstuffs fed to dairy and beef cattle contain adequate S for optimum fiber utilization; however, corn silage, a feed of increasing importance for ruminants, may be low in S in many geographical locations. It is suggested that heifers and dry cows being maintained on all corn silage diets have access to mineral supplements which contain sulfate S and that rations for producing cattle be supplemented to contain at least 0.17% S in the total DM. Copyright © 1971. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1971 by American Society of Animal Science.