Leaching of soil samples having different salt and moisture contents were studied under various and continuous sprinkling rates. Samples of Nibley silty clay loam soil were salinized and brought to desired moisture levels by spraying them with CaCl2 solutions. Three soil salinity levels, ECe of 8, 12, and 16 mmhos, were used in the experiment. The prepared samples were placed in an apparatus designed to apply water uniformly at any constant rate between 0.1 and 25.0 cm/ hr. to the surfaces of the soil samples. Samples of the effluent were taken continuously in small increments and analyzed for chloride concentration. Plots of the effluent concentration curves for several moisture and salinity levels are presented for various application rates. The shape of these curves suggest that leaching efficiency is improved by decreasing the rate of water application. The phenomenon of miscible displacement wherein the effect of waterflow rate coupled with degree of saturation are interrelated and dependent upon application rates.