Amorphous arsenic

An attempt is made to unify current knowledge of the optical, vibrational, transport and defect-related properties of amorphous As in terms of its structure and the nature of the bonding. The importance of remnant mesomeric bonding, particularly in determining preparation-dependent variations in the optical gap, is stressed. Topological disorder is taken as a central theme and it is shown how the ring statistics dictate the radial distribution function. The relationship between atomic structure and the electron and phonon densities of states is discussed. A review is given of the transport properties of amorphous As: these point to a pinned Fermi level. Variations in s–p hybridization are considered in relation to the types of point defect likely to occur and it is shown how both paired and unpaired spin states are possible. Finally some experimental results on crystallization kinetics, specific heat and thermal conductivity are discussed.