Atypical Growth of Plants. III. Growth Responses of Virus Tumors of Rumex to Certain Nucleic Acid Components and Related Compounds

Virus tumors of R. acetosa containing the virus Aureogenus magnivena were grown in culture in a chemically defined medium with various additions of nucleic acids, or their components, and related compounds. Growth was enhanced by addition of alkaline-hydrolyzed ribose-nucleic acid in the range of 0.2-0.8 mg./ml. and decreased by comparable levels of alkaline-hydrolyzed desoxyribosenucleic acid. Marked inhibition was observed in media containing adenine, adenosine, or adenylic acid. Some evidence of stimulation was observed in media containing guanine, uracil, xanthine, or hypoxanthine. At concns. of 0.3 or 0.4 mg./ml. of medium, 6-ketopurine (hypoxanthine) was stimulatory; 2,6-diketopurine (xanthine) less beneficial; and 2,6,8-triketopurine (uric acid) definitely toxic. The triazolo analogue of guanine was inhibitory at all levels tested down to 0.001 mg./ml. This inhibition was progressively reversed by guanine added over a range from 0.01 to 0.3 mg./ml.