Public proteomic MS repositories and pipelines: available tools and biological applications

As proteomic MS has increased in throughput, so has the demand to catalogue the increasing number of peptides and proteins observed by the community using this technique. As in other ‘omics’ fields, this brings obvious scientific benefits such as sharing of results and prevention of unnecessary repetition, but also provides technical insights, such as the ability to compare proteome coverage between different laboratories, or between different proteomic platforms. Journals are also moving towards mandating that proteomics data be submitted to public repositories upon publication. In response to these demands, several web‐based repositories have been established to store protein and peptide identifications derived from MS data, and a similar number of peptide identification software pipelines have emerged to deliver identifications to these repositories. This paper reviews the latest developments in public domain peptide and protein identification databases and describes the analysis pipelines that feed them. Recent applications of the tools to pertinent biological problems are examined, and through comparing and contrasting the capabilities of each system, the issues facing research users of web‐based repositories are explored. Future developments and mechanisms to enhance system functionality and user‐interfacing opportunities are also suggested.