Recommended palynological terms and definitions

A number of palynological terms with their definitions has been circulated among the members of the ICP Working Group on Terminology. As a result, the following terms and definitions are recommended for general use: aperturate, apolar, bilateral, colpate, ectoaperture, endoaperture, heteropolar, inaperturate, isopolar, laesura, -lete, porate, radially symmetric(al). In addition, the following terms were recommended in Paris, 1975: columella, ectexine, endexine, exine, infratectum, intine, layer, nexine, sexine, sole (foot layer), sporoderm, stratum, tectum (complete tectum, partial tectum, absent tectum), wall. Terms not recommended: atectate, baculum, endexine s. lat., endexine s. str., micro.-, muritectate, nexine — 1, pedium, semitectate, subtectate, tectate. Rejected terms: foramen, non-aperturate.

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