M1Transition Probabilities in Odd-Mass Deformed Nuclei

The odd-mass deformed nuclei Eu153, Tb159, Ho165, Tm169, Lu175, and Ta181 have been studied by Coulomb excitation with 50-MeV oxygen ions. The branching ratios for the de-excitation of levels in the ground-state rotational bands were determined by measuring the γ-ray intensities in singles spectra observed with a Ge(Li) detector. M1 transition rates were obtained from the branching ratios with the assumption that the rotational-model predictions for the E2 transition rates are correct. For Tb159, six M1 transition rates are compared. In all cases the M1 transition rates agree with rotational-model theory within experimental error. Absolute E2 transition rates were also measured for some of the vibrational and intrinsic states observed.