Identification of Anti‐Lea by Platelet Complement Fixation

Two anti-Lea sera which were able to detect Lea antigen on platelets were identified in a screening for anti-platelet antibodies by means of a platelet complement fixation test. These two antisera hemolyzed erythrocytes without enzyme treatment. The anti-Lea activity could be completely absorbed by red cells, platelets and lymphocytes of Le(a+b-) donors but not by cells from Le(a-b+) or Le(a-b-) donors. The antibody activity against red cells was eliminated by treatment of the antisera with dithiothreitol, thereby suggesting that the activity resided in the IgM class of immunoglobulins. As the anti-Lea was more reactive at than at room temperature against both red cells and platelets, we suggest that transfusion of platelets of Lea-negative donors should be considered for patients with this type of anti-Lea.