Microwave Spectrum of Methyl Alcohol

A series of absorption lines of C12 H3 O16H which was studied from J=2 to J=10 by Coles has now been followed up to J=30. The corresponding series for C13 H3 O16H and C12 H3 O18H have been found. The lines of the C13 H3 O16H series have been identified and measured from J=2 to J=31 and the lines of the C12 H3 O18H series from J=2 to J=26. Accurate Stark-effect measurements have been made of several low J lines of each of the above series and the coefficients tabulated. The frequencies of many other C12 H3 O16H lines between 20,000 and 40,000 Mc have been measured and tabulated. The order of the Stark effect, quantitative Stark-effect information, and J values of these lines are listed when known. The frequencies of several C13 H3 O16H lines which are not members of the above series are listed.