Influence of Blood Pressure on Left Atrial Size

Increased left atrial size has been identified as a precursor of atrial fibrillation and of stroke once atrial fibrillation is manifest. Conflicting data exist regarding the effect of high blood pressure on left atrial size. Our objective was to evaluate the association of contemporary and long-term measures of blood pressure with echocardiographically determined left atrial size in a large, population-based cohort. The study sample consisted of 1849 male and 2152 female participants of the Framingham Heart Study and Framingham Offspring Study. All analyses were sex specific. In correlation analyses, systolic and pulse pressures were identified as statistically significant determinants of left atrial size after adjustment for age and body mass index, although the magnitudes of these relations were very modest (partial r≤.10). Multivariable linear regression models showed the relative contributions of the pressure variables to the prediction of left atrial size to be substantially less than those ...