Flexural anisotropy of glass-fibre-reinforced thermoplastics injection mouldings

The anisotropy of flexural stiffness has been examined at low strain using ASTM bar and 3-mm and 6-mm thick edge-gated disc injection mouldings for two glass-fibre-reinforced thermoplastics (GFTP). Experimentally determined values were obtained under three-point bending and compared with theoretical prediction: which took account of the fibre orientation and length distributions in the mouldings. The flexural stiffness of the discs was also studied as a function of direction of test. The prediction of the resulting anisotropies in flexure compares well with experiment, but these anisotropies are markedly different from those measured previously in tension. It is concluded that it is necessary to have a knowledge of the fibre distribution of a GFTP moulding in order to predict successfully its mechanical properties, or to interpret measured data.