Orbit-lattice interaction and Jahn-Teller effect in theE4levels ofMn2+in nearly tetrahedral clusters

The structure of the E4 levels of Mn2+ in stressed ZnS and ZnSe crystals and in several organic compounds with distorted tetrahedral symmetry is investigated. First, the slight departure from tetrahedral symmetry of MnX4 (X=S,Se,Cl,Br) molecular clusters is analyzed in terms of the normal coordinates Q(E) and Q(T2) of a regular tetrahedron. Second, the influence of a linear coupling to E and T2 strains and of a quadratic coupling to E strains is considered. Then, it is shown that for all clusters, the structure of the E4 levels can most likely be interpreted in terms of an equivalent operator linear in Q(E) and acting directly on the E4 states. The values for the coupling parameters in the considered MnX4 clusters are given and the origin of the equivalent operator is discussed. Finally, a study of the influence of the Jahn-Teller effect on the fine structure of the E4 levels is made for all compounds. It is shown that the strength of the Jahn-Teller coupling to E vibrational modes is insufficient to drastically quench the influence of the T2 strains on the observed vibronic E4 states, the reduction parameters associated to these strains being greater than 0.35 for MnS4 clusters and greater than 0.5 for the other clusters. This indicates that the electronic E4 states are predominantly coupled to E strains, the electronic coupling to the T2 strains being small or negligible.