How bacterial ADP-ribosylating toxins recognize substrates

ExoS and ExoT are bifunctional type III cytotoxins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that contain an N-terminal RhoGAP domain and a C-terminal ADP-ribosylation domain. Although they share 76% amino acid identity, ExoS and ExoT ADP-ribosylate different substrates. Using protein modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, the regions of ExoS and ExoT that define substrate specificity were determined. Regions B (active site loop), C (ARTT motif) and E (PN loop) on ExoS are necessary and sufficient to recognize ExoS targets, whereas regions B, C and E on ExoT are necessary but not sufficient to recognize ExoT targets, such as the Crk proteins. A specific Crk recognition motif on ExoT was defined as region A (helix α1). The electrostatic properties of regions A, B, C and E define the substrate specificity of ExoS and ExoT and these interactions can explain how other bacterial ADP-ribosylating toxins recognize their unique substrates.