The Auger electron and Auger electron appearance potential spectra of Ti, TiC x , TiN x and TiO2 were observed quasi-in-stantaneously, and the energy shift values for the L 3 M 2,3 M 4,5 Auger peak were found to be 1.5 eV, 4.6 eV and 5.3 eV for TiC x , TiN x and TiO2, respectively. These values correspond to the energy separation between band (2e g→2p 3/2) and band (2t 2g→2p 3/2) in XES (X-ray emission spectra) for TiN or the absorption edge in SXAS (soft X-ray absorption spectra) for TiC and TiO2. The threshold values of the L 3 AEAP spectra in titanium compounds show good agreement with the energy position of the L 3-absorption edge in SXAS. The energy separation between the main peak and the shoulder peak at high energy for TiN x and TiO2 in AEAP spectra corresponds to that of empty states in SXAS.