The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory admission scores of 139 inmates of the Iowa Women's Reformatory were analyzed in order to determine the MMPI characteristics of a group of female prison inmates. The mean scores on each of the scales were computed and a mean profile determined. In addition each of the 139 test protocols was coded according to the Total (Welsh) coding system and an analysis made by noting the fre quency of appearance of each scale as one of the first three or last three digits in these coded profiles.Because of the magnitude of the scores the mean scores yielded somewhat differing results from those obtained from the analysis of the coded profiles. The profile developed from the mean scores showed Scale 4 (Psychopathic deviate), Scale 6 (Paranoia), and Scale 9 (Hypomania) as the first three digits in the mean coded profile. However, in analyzing the coded profiles it was found that Scale 9 appeared almost as frequently in the last three digits as it did in the first three.In this female prisoner group, Scale 1 (Hypochondriasis) and Scale 5 (Masculinity-Femininity) were the most characteristic low scales. Among the validating scales, the F-scale was found to be elevated as has been noted in comparable studies by other researchers.General agreement with findings from studies of other delin quent or criminal groups is noted, although the latter typically have been male prisoners. Some areas of disagreement are pointed out and discussed.